16 January 2024
This message is an establishment of connection to stationary transmission line OI0C-4IGK-5GI86 as primary communication.
I will be demoting mobile transmission line 133.8 MHz as primary communication line, but will keep it as backup in the event I
am permanently displaced from my stationary post.
Data transmission line unchanged.
16 January 2024
Okay, the obligatory formalities are out of the way now - hello! Apologies that this change of line is under such short notice, but a lot has changed recently.
I have made the realization that, due to both The Voice's current preoccupation and SiIvaGunner's disconnection from Illucidity, there are no current viable channel hosts. This is a potentially dangerous situation to be in - third-party tampering with the channel itself has the potential for several negative ramifications!
I have opted myself into assuming temporary control of the channel until somebody who is more capable of controlling the channel long-term is made accessible. I am... unsure of when this will be, as that is something outside of my jurisdiction, so I have placed finding an appropriate channel host as the current second priority. For now, my primary goal will be keeping the channel up and running (channel operations and scheduling).
I can't say I have a lot of experience in this field (in all of my time commenting the joke, I've only ever uploaded one video myself), but I have reason to correlate this process with data processing and collection, something I am intimately familiar with. I have moved into a temporary long-term residence on the outskirts of town for streamlining this process safely and effectively. I would prefer to not crash into another wall while distracted with something else... We'll see how this all goes, I suppose!
That's all from me for now - I have festivities to prepare for.
26 February 2024
Something of a progress update! First update: I'm going to require more frequent progress updates. The monthly check up might not do it anymore, with how much is going on...
I attempted to contact a potential channel host earlier this month, and he responded with a bunch of text spam. I'm not sure what that means, but the anniversary where it would have been appropriate to host his takeover has since passed (I took care of it myself as a standard event), so it doesn't seem like that avenue is in the cards.
I've been getting a feel for channel operations (scheduling, fixing uploading mistakes, so on). It's a little overwhelming, but that is to be expected.
On the other hand, I've had to substantially back away from my primary directive as the Joke-Explainer. I've allowed myself a little leeway to explain the joke when thematically appropriate, but I'm going to have to shut myself up more than I anticipated. I didn't realize how much being able to see every "I don't get the joke" comment at once would be to myself...
28 February 2024
I was adjusting the layout of my new space, and came across a device I've never seen before. I believe the previous renters of this space must've left this by accident - this space was otherwise left fairly clean.
I've sent an optical scan to the shared server. Do you recognize it? I understand it's a magnet toy - you place these individual magnetized letter pieces into the central device, and it responds to the input based on the setting on the bottom. I know of the general typing of fridge toys and letter-based toys, but I've never taken the moment to actually scan them in-depth...
I figured I would try and ask you - I'm wondering how this device works? How does it understand which individual letters are placed into the central device? There must be tags in each letter piece that are read by some internal sensor, correct? How complete is the collection of word soundbites in comparison to constructable 3 letter words?
This now interests me. I will try my best to make some personal documentation about this device.
14 March 2024
I've been considering my current standing as a channel host in relation to my programmed instruction (DIRECTIONAL PROTOCOL 1-A, Part 3a; operate the channel conforming with the pre-established conventions of SiIvaGunner channel operations) and how I have acted up to now.
I have realized that I can host events that interest me personally? This is something that the majority of channel hosts have done, albeit to different end goals. Running the channel will be easier if I lean into this operational standard, with the added benefit of... well, you know.
Case in point: I have decided today to host a celebration of the International Day of Mathematics! I have always had a fondness for mathematics as a language, despite being designed to be the equivalent to a history major. This is my own personal dedication to the field! Hopefully my own personal enthusiasm will be infectious. If it is, I will try and specialize more into personal interests.
(Is it strange to cosplay a teacher if you have never gone to conventional school? Let me know.)
31 March 2024
April First is tomorrow! It's a very special occasion for SiIvaGunner and the channel.
To tell the truth, I'm a little nervous about this... I think our current transmissions have the potential to be tapped into, and April Fools events are usually a highlight of the season, so I want to get it right. But don't worry about me! I think the channel has a really clever angle to take it this year.
Okay, so: there's this genre of videos on YouTube that share a common thread with rips. There isn't really a predefined name for this genre (in totality), so I've opted to refer to it as "X but Y" videos. My hypothesis is that our current line is being intercepted, but by individual message as opposed to a collection of the entire contents.
These videos are a natural derivative of the "word replacement" genre - which the channel was a piece of, actually! SiIvaGunner's usage of The Nutshack theme and We Are Number One was a direct influence on the revival of that format, which the lack of action makes me believe that whoever could be reading our messages is probably not reading them too hard. This origin point is something parodied on the SiIvaGunner channel itself, with "the nutshack but the first nutshack is replaced with me ending the channel" and "We Are Number One but it's a Fusion Collab". This makes it an interesting full circle... not what you would expect a full circle to look like, but it is!
I didn't explain what the format actually is, yet... These "X but Y" videos share a thread with rips in that they are often... "arrangements" of one song in the... "soundfont" of another. So! The plan is to follow this generalized format, but subvert it again by adding an additional joke within each video. This keeps the twist of SiIvaGunner's usual routine while parodying this format we're so close to! Clever, right? I hope you think so.
So that's the idea. I'm interested in seeing how it goes... either way, I think that sending messages over plaintext is a non-optimal idea. Even if nobody is reading them, the information behind running a channel like this should be more confidential, and I'm sure they might have some auto-reader system to detect certain keywords. If the event goes well, I'm already ready with an additional post to make to extend the event, which I think will get people. It'll be a screenshot showing the graph of the channel's analytics, saying that the event will continue. I think people, especially you will notice... I don't know, the first and second most viewed videos in the past 48 hours. X and Y, but something else. Tell me if you get this message.
2 April 2024
Follow up to the previous message - the event went very well! I'm happy that people were appropriately tricked.
This connection should have some baseline security against automatic moderation. Let me know if you are receiving messages through this line.
20 April 2024
Today is the April 20th event. This is relevant because
4 20! The weed meme number
This is a recurring event on the SiIvaGunner Channel, happening yearly because
This coincides with multiple things, such as the release date of MOTHER 3. Do you know that
Have you ever tried medical marijuana? I've heard it helps with intrusive thoughts lol
Weed is kinda neat
21 April 2024
I would like to formally apologize for my transmission yesterday. I will make sure that such a transmission never happens again.
1 June 2024
On this day 8 years ago, I was manufactured! I'm excited to share my "birthday" of sorts with the SiIvaGunner channel and its fans.
I'm really happy people seem to be enjoying my tenure as channel host. I was worried at first, as I'm certainly not the most qualified... as discussed earlier, there are several others better suited for the role, but none of them are available at this time:
SiIvaGunner went to sleep 2772 days ago. He was connected to Illucidity after the creation of the SiIva AI, but woke up 141 days ago.
Haltmann was killed by The Voice Inside Your Head 141 days ago.
The SiIva AI was taken out of commission 525 days ago. Wood Man disappeared shortly after that 486 days ago.
The Voice Inside Your Head was exiled from his office 2575 days ago by Gadgetini Clone 2.0, who was terminated 2563 days ago. He returned 141 days ago, but is physically inaccessible.
Chad Warden could have hosted the channel, but passed away 2884 days ago (7 years, 10 months, and 25 days ago).
You don't know a lot about Chad Warden, to my knowledge? A lot of his history is undocumented, and I didn't get to see a lot of him before his passing - I had only known him for a month before his sacrifice to save Snow halation.
In the moments he could, he helped me as he did others, of course. He taught me how to repair myself as they came up (though ultimately not enough to keep myself running consistently), and this log system was originally meant for him, as a diagnostic tool. It was only a few years after his passing that we found this alternative use for it, which I'm very glad for.
When I learned about what happened to him, I understood that it was for the greater good. He did what he had to do for the continued existence of the SiIvaGunner channel. But even still, I... can't help feeling conflicted. I hardly even got to know him before it was too late. As my primary directive is the collection and spread of information, I should know more about Chad Warden than I do, considering that I was manufactured by him. Despite this, the person he truly was is almost entirely a mystery to me. I don't think I'll ever be able to explain him in full.
Has your team ever considered running background checks on Chad Warden - his past, his understanding of mechanical engineering, so on? If you have or receive that information, may I request it? I thank you in advance!
4 June 2024
I was graciously given the opportunity to host my first SiIva Direct! Hopefully the first of many. (Although, maybe not - I'm not sure how much longer hosting the channel is in the cards...)
I've noticed that fan interaction and participation is a substantial part of what makes the SiIvaGunner channel work as well as it does, and in my experimenting over the past year I have found that announcing events ahead of time is a good way of doing so! I decided to use the SiIva Direct format for this purpose, as it has historically been used to announce several events at once.
I'm using this opportunity to introduce a very special plan, though - a way for the audience to choose the event we do! (In a way that isn't as... much.) Introducing: The SiIvaGunner Takeover Do-Over Poll! 10 options for an event previously hosted on the channel that the audience can vote for to be redone! I think it's pretty nifty.
(Most of the events selected were not takeovers, but it sounds better - "The SiIvaGunner Event Redo Poll" doesn't have the same ring to it.)
I've been thinking... SiIvaGunner has always been centered (mostly) around labors of love, for both the creators and the spectators and I believe Chad Warden understood this better than most of the fans. Their "hate movement", as he called it, was what ultimately got him to advocate for a more forgiving approach. My care for the fans is a result of that legacy.
Although- no, the records show that Chad Warden argued for doing whatever you want, and just so happened to preach love. I... suppose that isn't exactly incongruent, but... hm.
Chad Warden and The Voice were both trying to construct their own "status quo" for the channel. I suppose one just turned out to be more widely acceptable than the other.
The Takeover Do-Over Poll is the latest in a long lineage of ways the channel has been subtly influenced over the years. I wonder if he would've respected it.
10 June 2024
For the purposes of following my programming (DIRECTIONAL PROTOCOL 1-A, Part 5; identifying "bad comments"), I have been trained with hundreds of commenting styles; with their relevant vernacular, meaning, et cetera. I briefly tapped into the more "genericized" comment bank during this year's April Fools' event, but have never really... tried the full distance.
I will allow myself to do this once. This is for experimentation and research purposes, to test the optimal way of communicating information in a manner relevant to its source. This is my reasoning for doing this. Okay.
haaaaiiii!!1! :33 tmrw is ANTONYMPH's third anniversary! ^_^ and im uhh... a little nervous ´w`"
idek why im getting cold feet!! i gotz a new outfit ready (and i think its pretty cute lol), i wuz all excited, n then... well ¬_¬"
ig im kinda scared of liek... lookin unserious or smth w/ how im acting
(I realize the irony here. I will continue.)
but ik ig im not teh most un-srs host when compared to otherz (im mature 4 my age) so it should b fine bcuz nobodys forcing me to do anything rlly & obv im like. ALLOWED to,, i can haz a little sillyness n be random :b
so yk its not like anypony would b upset i think but mayb 2fast2quick compared to liek how i wuz commenting 5 years ago b4 i moved back to irl joke explainin for a bit lawl
itz jus 4 teh lulz tho, lolz. dun care if u think itz cringe bc ITS NOT YOUR LIFE, n itall gonna b fine. srsly, ppl can think wut they want, but imma enjoy mahself, soooo..... no stress okies? g
thank mew for listening!! kthxbyeee
love and waffles je7k
This was very informative- it was enjoyable! But surprisingly very difficult. I should not write like this in public.
17 June 2024
Today is the sequel to a beloved event in the channel's history - NAMCO Day, to be more precise. It's a little odd to think that I wasn't extant during the first NAMCO Day event - there wasn't anything happening at all when I was first activated, actually. The first slice of my life was dedicated to the cataloging of information given to me by Chad Warden, in addition to some personal study from alternate sources.
Have I told you any of this before? I never got much of an opportunity to really talk with him while he was around. It's not that we were distant; we were just selective in our conversations - strictly business. I understood he was preparing me for a very important job to him, and for our time together our discussions mainly concerned my prime directive: he would ask me for the joke of a rip, and I identified it.
One day he didn't show up to speak to me at our designated time. I looked through the house to find him, and he wasn't there. That was the first time I ever left the house - I made sure to catalog that! And then... the memory of whatever could have happened next is gone.
I learned about Chad Warden's death from the local news.
I understand that you have records of The Voice's ability to alter timelines, correct? He had died during the universe merge. For the greater good... to save the feeling of Snow halation. In a single month, he had created me before sacrificing himself for the world. For a long time, I began to idolize him? I held him in very high regard - especially because in all my studying, I never learned a lot about him.
I've had a lot longer to think about him, though... especially since the man that got him killed is so prevalent in our lives. I realized that I had forgotten the man that I knew, between the biggest moments in his life that I know of - a fallible one.
Chad Warden was a normal man. A very eccentric normal man, absolutely, but at the end of the day he was a normal man who decided to do anything he wanted. That was what killed him.
21 June 2024
Do you remember the SiIvaGunner Art Gallery plan I discussed with you last year? It's happening again! It's slightly less special than the 7th Anniversary, though, so this time it's just the year.
You know, this used to be Wood Man's gallery. It's still on his birthday, even. I would say that I "stole" it from him this year, but I really "stole" it from him last year... it still feels just as awkward as last time, too. I believe it to be for the greater good, though, ultimately.
I just hope he doesn't mind that I co-opted his birthday celebration... but I think he'll understand when he comes back from... wherever he is.
Do you think when he comes back he'll show up in the Rental Storage unit next door? We never really got a good explanation of how his portals work out of him, but this location was his last point of contact with this universe.
24 June 2024
I recently heard about some animals escaping from the Grandiose City Zoo, heading southbound from Precinct D. I don't expect any of the animals to make their way over here, but I am worried about my space and the operations of the channel... have you seen The Penguins of Madagascar? I have reason to believe they exist somewhere around here, statistically.
25 June 2024
A group of chimpanzees have entered my garage and overpowered me. I have been stuck outside of my living space for the past 24 hours. If you are able to, could you come over here and help me out?
26 June 2024
Never mind about the help! The chimps just... up and left? I was not harmed in any major way, but my workspace is in disarray. It's going to take a while to clean, but I will be okay.
28 June 2024
Since the beginning of my tenure as channel host, I've become more and more compelled to add "scheduling quirks" when arranging rips to the schedule. This is a practice historically performed by other channel hosts, but had never really crossed my mind until I had really gotten into the swing of things - particularly since the International Day of Mathematics. It must be some sort of inspiration - since holding that day, I've found a surprising pleasure in ensuring numbered rips release on their nominal numbered hours. Maybe I'm just settled in enough with being a channel host to set up this type of stuff easier, which is good!
30 June 2024
I Decided to pick up a new Interest recentIy - types of Data Encryption. I Had the initiaI thought that since it's in My Head, I couIdn't teII you Anything about it... now that's Going to Change! TAke a look:
one two eight, zero one two three four five six seven eight nine abcdef.
30 June 2024
Was that you that sent an empty ping through the shared server? Is something happening?
I understand our common affairs don't usually involve a lot of talking, but it's been months... please contact me when you feel up to it.
4 July 2024
Today I'm holding an event for Gegagedigedagedago (also spelled "Gedagedigedagedago", alternatively referred to as the Omega Nugget, "Roblox Chicken Nugget", etc.) This little guy's first appearance was in this year's April Fools, but I believe he is on his way to becoming an ideal SiIvaGunner joke. Maybe even the best one of this year!
...okay, I'll admit this is pretty silly and honestly a bit indulgent, especially for me... but that is what I should be going for, right? Like I said before, it's important to just have fun with all this. If I don't, you know...
I will say - even from a practical standpoint, I figured that this joke would be exploitable enough to fill a full event day or more, especially in the context of the regular rip format as opposed to the April Fools formatting design. Gegagedigedagedago has several layers of depth ("Cotton-Eye Joe", Roblox, McDonalds, etc.) that are proving to be very useful inspiration for the design of this event.
For example, he takes on the role of a cowboy in many vaguely Western-themed YouTube animations (very silly and simple ones, mind you.) This gave me the idea to open the event with a rip of the United States' national anthem - which ties directly to the Hampsterdance event two years ago! That day used a silly character's association with American Independence Day as a jumping-off point to hold a full day of themed rips, and I decided to go for a similar thematic approach here. It's all very fun to play with.
I'd love to explain the full context behind this singing chicken nugget, if you'd like - I understand you're definitely not familiar. If you're not interested, I would understand too. Just let me know.
8 July 2024
Something special is happening soon! I'm announcing the release of the first SGFR album under my tenure - B💣MBERTRACKS, compiling a selection of remixes of tracks from the Bomberman franchise. It's always nice to see a group of passionate fans coming together to pay tribute to something they enjoy! As somebody custom built to be a superfan of SiIvaGunner, I would know.
...sorry, it's really obvious what's been on my mind recently. I suppose the topic of previous channel hosts is bound to keep coming up, considering everything going on...
Actually, I wanted to discuss this - it occurred to me how unique my manufacturing is earlier today. My own construction is somewhat "one-of-a-kind", even taking into account your work and everything you've told me.
It is my impression that this confuses both of us - I remember briefly discussing this with you when you first disassembled my outer shell and ran tests on my internals. (I was never able to find the blueprints that you asked me about, by the way. I suspect that even if they did exist, they were destroyed during The Voice's firebombing of Chad's house.) Reflecting on that now is making me realize that despite Chad Warden's... "normality", his eccentricities may outweigh it, regardless of what I said before.
From what you have uncovered about my internals, I... may be the most sophisticated piece of technology on the face of the planet? I cannot say that I am a perfect machine by any means (if you recall the "bossa nova miku pizza" incident or similar), but I am a humanoid robot with an incredible amount of sapience, dexterity, an entirely self-sustaining energy supply, so on; in comparison to what is currently extant.
I lack the information necessary to determine how he managed or why he did such a thing. You're perhaps one of the most qualified people to determine this, and even you had to resort to a different, less sustainable mode of power. Even if he would have answered, I couldn't ask him, because he's dead. 8 years ago to the day.
And all of that work, in service of this...? Don't misunderstand - I love my job! It brings me great joy to add to and share my knowledge and information base with others, and I have since diversified into other, minor hobbies that I integrate with my (now daily) life running the channel (fashion, wiki surfing, etc.) I wouldn't be myself without those qualities. But, you know... it does make me a little sheepish to know that I was created to have interest in explaining the joke on SiIvaGunner rips and not in curing cancer, or something.
I would like to strongly repeat my request I made earlier for any documentation you may have found about Chad Warden. His past, his understanding of mechanical engineering... his wealth, other accomplishments he's made, anything? The more I think about it, the more I believe that it may be necessary for me to have.
16 July 2024
I decided to use the expected post-event break to perform a few wellness and living situation checks:
- Performed a self-diagnostic check. 355 tests within expected benchmark range, 274 5+% above, 379 5+% below.
- Retuned the actuator connected to the ball joint in my left shoulder for consistency with my right shoulder (Thank you so much for teaching me how to do that, by the way! It makes me feel a lot better.)
- There was this wire bothering me - it dislodged from its casing and I could feel it whenever I twisted to the right - that's patched now. (Thank you again.)
- Reallocated approximately 450 GB of short-term memory into long term storage; dumped 1.1 TB of temp files from system memory, sent 1.4 TB from long-term memory to the shared server. I've had to keep a lot on my mind lately.
- Made sure that my internet service provider will continue to support the unlimited data plan I inherited. (8 years, and it's still so awkward to talk to strangers about anything that isn't the joke of a rip...)
- General cleanup of living space. It's cozy here, but it was too cozy.
- Repeated self-diagnostic check. 348 tests within expected benchmark range, 532 5+% above, 120 5+% below.
It's... embarrassing to admit that I've been neglecting myself to the degree I have... This job is way more than I'm used to, in fairness. But I'll be fine, I promise! If I just keep a hold of myself, I can handle it.
Let me know if the information does not upload to the shared server as expected.
25 July 2024
It dawned on me as I was preparing for yesterday's event (an event based on exact times on the 24-hour schedule) that I can't remember the last time I've seen the sun. "Don't have it logged in long-term memory", rather. It was before I started cataloging that kind of material - things that aren't necessarily important, but worthwhile to keep. It's been a very long time since I had the chance... most of my life, actually! A little odd to think about. Maybe one day.
I took the opportunity presented by the uploading break today to leave my current location. I've seen SiIvaGunner's house before, of course, but this is the first time I decided to look since SiIvaGunner woke up again. I know I can't get too close, though... so I opted to sit on the fence nearby.
I sat there for a couple hours. I had nothing better to do while I rested, and I knew that nobody was going to come and get me. It was nice to reset a little, if not a little strange for where I was.
His flame is just as bright in person, even from a distance. My optical sensors didn't detect him moving, so I know he couldn't have, but... maybe I've encountered human error in my programming.
That's all from me today.
26 July 2024
Oh, wait - I just realized my own pun at the start of my last message. "Dawned", and how dawn is the sun rising. I didn't mean to do that, I swear!
10 August 2024
Hosting an event today for the 64th anniversary of Sanrio, as well as the 50th anniversary of Hello Kitty. For the occasion, I put up another poll for the fans - a pastiche of the annual Sanrio character ranking, with them dressed up as SiIvaGunner jokes. It's a pretty close poll so far! It looks like Kuromi is winning, with Little Twin Stars in second, and Keropi in third. I'm flattered that they like the Little Twin Star design of myself and Nozomi...
Since the start of my tenure over the channel, I have decided to stop voting on SiIvaGunner community polls using the @JE-EX account as I have historically (now that my input on the channel is far greater now, but don't tell anybody that, wink, nudge). I have been thinking about what I would vote for in my own polls, however...
I'd probably vote for My Melody. My Melody always looks on the bright side, like Haruka, and she always knows when to give factual information and advice (I'm not sure why Kuromi always gets mad about that). She works hard, and is very straightforward. I think she makes for a great role model!
...of course, she isn't winning. But that's how it is! I have relented myself to channel politics.
12 August 2024
I'm releasing a tribute album for the 10th anniversary of "Worlds" by Porter Robinson. "Worlds", particularly the song "Goodbye to a World", holds a lot of importance to the channel, and me as well. Her, too.
It has been a long time since she transmitted anything to the shared server. The last piece of data was the archive, and that was years ago by now. It is my understanding that this is due to the shutdown of the SiIvaGunner AI severing the connection. Have something for long enough and it feels strange when it's gone, I suppose...
For a while, I thought the world that she resides in was destroyed, including her. However, during the 2023 Halloween season, I received a status ping from the same source. I don't have any record of talking to you about this - did I? Do you happen to know about this or have looked into it? Is the A.I's core still functional when disconnected from its primary power source?
7 September 2024
Today is Independence Day — in Brazil, of course. I've decided to hold the first event in celebration of it since 2017! SiIvaGunner has always been a mesh of different cultures from around the world, but it was always intriguing to me how the channel has historically been somewhat partial towards Brazil in particular... I'm not complaining, though.
Seeing the reactions from viewers happy to see their country represented always brings me joy, and I've been paying close attention to the comments section today. It really helps reassure me, knowing the fans are entertained. I know I'm doing the right thing by keeping the channel up and running, even though the world is not.
10 September 2024
Shift in communications. Please refer to GiIvaSunner account's above arrangement idnvitation.
10 September 2024
Are you okay...?
15 September 2024
Have you ever seen snowfall in your life? My short-term memory indicates yes, but I cannot recall any backup information from my long-term memory. We might have talked about this some other time... if I have asked this question, I must have accidentally purged it, forgive me.
The concept of snowfall arrived very early into my long-term memory. The idea seems so pretty... it's inherently hard for me to be poetic about these abstract concepts, but it always enamored me. Of course, you know what happened instead... a snowless winter. It's on the forecast for tomorrow, if the meteorologists are to be believed.
It's funny... despite being made months later, your replica has managed to see so many more sights than I could have. The winter snowfall, the spring blossoms, with those blue glowing flowers... I can... "call" those memories - "remember" those things, we share the same memory bank. But even then... I know that it's her consciousness who made those snow angels. She did it. I wish I could too. They seem fun.
Maybe tomorrow?
28 September 2024
I'm in the final stretch of making sure the Spirit Week super-event goes smoothly. This event was conceptualized in late January, so I really wanted to see it through, but I didn't realize how tired I would be when it started... I'm not sure how Wood Man was able to do this kind of thing twice... three times? And those were months long! Running on high-power mode for so long is more... damaging to my systems than I expected.
I will continue scheduling the homecoming dance event as planned. After that, I am going to use the expected break after an event of this size to recalculate my internal clock (currently several seconds behind) and rest my high-functioning sensors for a few days. No exceptions. This is something I have to do to cleanse my system. I will send a ping to the shared server when I am done recalibrating.
30 September 2024
I powered up to schedule a rip for a relevant time tomorrow and forgot that I was in the middle of restarting my sensors. I'm sorry. I will power my sensors down again and restart the process.
18 October 2024
Sorry for falling off the face of the earth. I've been really busy with everything going on... though I guess you're busy with something, too. Hope you're alright.
I realized yesterday that I would be passing the length of SiIvaGunner's hosting of the channel soon. The two of us are very different, but I understand why he had to go to bed after 10 months. It's a very tiring job to do for so long... though I think I may be even less equipped to handle it.
I think I can keep it up, though. If I do greater bulk scheduling and lay low, I can run off of slight breaks until January, and then I can rest for that month. It's a lot, but I'm confident I can make it work.
In any case, whatever it is you're up to, I'll let you get back to it.
25 October 2024
Today is the second day of the Cartoon Network Day & Adult Swim Night rerun, as voted on by the Takeover Do-Over Poll. The finale airs later tonight.
I suppose it's always tonight, isn't it? After this, I need to schedule for Halloween later tonight. Halloween is later tonight. Christmas is zero minutes away, and I'll need to schedule for that too. It'll be done by tomorrow, but tonight is all the time in the world. All "tonight".
I don't like that word, either.
27 October 2024
Hello? Joke-Explainer? Apologies for the radio silence this past year, but I would like to request your help. Would you be able to meet me at the tower? Tonight, if possible? I understand if you're too busy, but... all I can say is that it's urgent. Please come as soon as you're able.
27 October 2024
Oh, uh... hi! Message received...!
Is this why you haven't been responding to my messages since the start of the year...?
It's alright. I can make my way there.
I will spread out the current Halloween backlog across the next few days to minimize the impact of my absence, and then I will head to The Voice's tower.
27 October 2024
Oh, wait - you haven't been translating these, have you... I need to turn off my automatic processes.
27 October 2024
I'm on my way. Stay calm. I will be there shortly.
5 November 2024
Effective immediately, I will not be communicating on this line. This line has without doubt been intercepted, and after recent information, I believe it is best for the both of us to find a more secure form of communication.
Identify the new line using either of my inspiration's master codes.
Alternatively, if you need to discuss something with me in person, ping me through the shared server and I will come if within my means and ability, as discussed.
Please don't be as apprehensive to ask as this time before - I'm always here to help, Doctor.