The formatting on this file may vary because keeping full consistency on writing style is less important than all the information presented.
/* My silly comments are formatted like this. */
Alters are listed alphabetically for all sections.
Fictive versus Fictionkin: Fictive as in formed / split with a fictional or largely fictional identity, fictionkin as in largely identifying with a fictional identity. These definitions largely overlap, but we differentiate further bewtween the two via attachment: fictivity is viewed as more of a passive force, while fictionkin is more of an active force.
EP stands for Emotional Part ; typically, alters that are more emotionally inclined such as trauma or memory-holding parts, or parts made to respond to or control such.
ANP stands for Apparently Normal Part ; alters that are able to work without needing support, do not struggle with emotions or memories / trauma, and are typically unaware of the trials and tribulations that an EP would face. These kinds of alters usually manage things like social lives, academics, work, chores & errands, etc.
These are medical terms. EP and ANP are not a binary, and it is possible to be a mix of both or change sides.
Companion part: an alter who's job is to help, support, or care for a specific alter within the system. This is a term made up by Gardenhome.